Sunday, June 30, 2013

Goldfish Care and Concern


          If you are a Fish lover, you crashed into a right place. I am a fish and I love to be a part of your life. Well lack of knowledge of keeping me can be leather to my little life. With proper and right guidance, you can pet me and grow me as nice and healthy.

Things to Know About me:

         I am at some point act just like you. As you need a good sleep, so do I. Therefore, it is important that you keep the lights off at night. so when you wake up, I can make your day by swimming around the aquarium. 

         A healthy goldfish spends little or no time at the surface. If you observe me floating or gasping at the surface, this is an indicator of little or no oxygen in the water.

Aren’t I prettier than your girlfriend?

What to Use: Bowl or Tank?

          Never even think of getting a bowl. Look at the sad friend of mine in the bowl and imagine yourself living in a very very small room for years. Tell me is that thought made you happy or sad?

Tank Size
Gold Fish(small)
10 Gallon
20 Gallon
30 gallon
50 gallon
70 Gallon


      These table data may look unreasonable to you, but trust me if you want good house for me and my kind, please follow the table.

What to Eat:

           Just like you human being, we can be very picky too. We also like to keep our body maintain just like you do. Some human only feed us flakes, which is so boring. How can you eat same food for rest of your life? As you eat fish, chicken, vegetable and fruits, we eat flakes, pellets, blood worms, spinach, and green beans. As I told you we like to keep our body maintain, please feed us once a day only.

Water Temperature:

       Well I am not high maintenance, but I love to live in nice and room temperature water. If your house is in a city that varies temperature all the time, I recommend installing a heater in my tank. Please try to keep water temperature between 60oF(15oC) to 75oF(24oC).

Water Change:

           Do you clean your house regularly? May be 3 or 4 times a week? I just need 1 time a week. Is that too much I am asking for? We like to eat and poop a lot. So does ammonia in our water rise up quickly. I don’t like to live in a house of poop.
Do 50% water change once a week and complete water change once a month.


        There are plenty of filters out there. They work like vacuum cleaner for us. I suggest grabbing a little bigger capacity filter than your tank is. My recent owner has 70 gal filters in 50 gal tank. He certainly makes me and fallow friends happy.


          Last but not least, make my home decorative. So i feel like coming back home, lol. We like to hide. 

BTW That's me in left.....